Professionals who are Certified Senior Advisors offer multidisciplinary services to older adults. The CSA credential is given by the Society of Certified Senior Advisors ( but there are also a number of professional organizations with local chapters on Long Island whose members can be valuable resources for caregivers and their loved ones. Here are some of these groups:
Aging Life Care Association
Members of this professional group include more than 2,000 social workers, nurses, gerontologists, and other related professionals. Go to the website and click on Find an Aging Life Care Expert to locate professionals in the New York area. The site also provides links for consumers with advice about how to work with a care manager.
Association of Generational Experts for Seniors (AGES)
516-231-1950 / 631-268-4008
AGES is an independent network of highly qualified professionals from family and senior-related fields created for the purpose of addressing the needs and challenges that face many families. Members work together as a cohesive resource team to address the concerns and needs of seniors and the “sandwiched” generation (adult children caregivers). Among these challenges are additional emotional and financial burdens that result from trying to balance the needs of multiple generations.
Case Management Society of America (CMSA) Long Island Chapter
CMSA is a leading membership association for the practice of case management, dedicated to improving the health of individuals, families, caregivers, and support systems within their communities by providing professional collaboration across the healthcare continuum. It sets standards for case management and provides tools and resources to case managers.
Gerontology Professionals of New York (GPNY)
This organization is composed of professionals who service the needs of the senior community. Its members comprise a wide range of fields, including accounting, social work, home health care, elder law, assisted living, financial advisory services, long-term care insurance, geriatric care management, real estate and reverse mortgages. The website has a directory of local members by category of expertise.
National Aging in Place Council—Long Island Chapter
(Click on Local Chapters)
The mission of this local chapter of the National Aging in Place Council is to assist Long Island seniors and family caregivers in finding the resources they need to lead rewarding lives as they age in the place—the home of their choice. The 60-plus professionals who make up the group adhere to a code of ethics and represent services such as financial help, elder law, home health care, fall prevention, Medicaid planning, downsizing and relocation, long-term care, and health-related fields like audiology. Members offer outreach and educational events every year through local organizations and venues.
NASW National Association of Social Workers New York State Chapter
The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) is a large membership organization of professional social workers with state and local chapters. NASW creates professional standards, promotes professional development of its members, and works to advance sound social policies. The News York State chapter has Nassau County and Suffolk County divisions. Contact information:
SUN (Senior Umbrella Network)
Nassau Chapter:
Suffolk Chapter:
This multi-chapter organization of professionals from Long Island and the boroughs offers networking and educational opportunities for a diverse range of professionals who serve older adults and the disabled. The SUN organization has a strong advocacy element. Each chapter invites speakers regularly to provide useful information to members for professional growth, as well as to provide new resources for their seniors and their caregivers. Click Member Directory for a list of members (including contact information) in each chapter. The Nassau chapter has more than 200 members; Suffolk lists about 180 members.